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在克里尔 School, students eat like royalty thanks to our incredible kitchen staff. Our chefs use their culinary and restaurant backgrounds to create diverse weekly menus that explore different cuisines, ensuring the Collier community enjoys nutritious and delicious lunches daily. 学生们甚至可以在烹饪艺术课程上帮忙, 像吕西安, who has been assisting in Collier's kitchen since middle school and can be seen making California rolls. 最重要的是,他们会定期制作新鲜的甜点!





上周, Collier social workers and staff participated in a two-day Restorative Practices training. This training equipped staff with the tools to nurture positive community building and high-quality, 在科利尔的社区里没有创伤的关系. By focusing on repairing harm done rather than enforcing punitive consequences, 我们的目标是支持和加强学生和员工之间的赌球平台推荐

接受恢复性实践是一种全面的方法, integrated into our daily operations to establish effective classroom routines and strong relationships. 通过这样的学习经验, our supportive and connected school environment can continue to grow and thrive. 谢谢你!, Jo Ann and Pat from Positive School Climate, for the insightful and informative training!


在克里尔, students discover more about themselves through our supportive staff and nurturing environment. 祝你在职业学校好运,汤米! 我们迫不及待地想知道你的下一个篇章!


Collier School hosted two open mic events last week to wrap up the school year. 学生和工作人员上台展示他们的歌声, 钢琴技能, 世界文化课的艺术作品, 和更多的. 这些活动让我们的学生走出他们的壳, 尝试新事物, 或者炫耀自己的努力! Stay tuned as we welcome students back on campus on 7月y 8th for our 延长学年计划s!







 赌球平台推荐 seniors had a month to remember, filled with memories to last a lifetime! 他们踏上了去吉姆·索普的老年之旅, 宾西法尼亚, where students and staff enjoyed water rafting and shared stories around the campfire. The celebration continued with a "Senior Breakfast" hosted by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, 谁给每个学生发了一张个性化卡片.

上周, 学生们获得了总计26美元的奖励和奖学金,850美元来支持他们未来的教育和职业目标. Collier is deeply honored and thankful to be able to present these awards to our students, 感谢他人的慷慨. 我们为我们的前辈们的奉献和努力感到无比自豪! Congratulations to 赌球平台推荐's Class of 2024 and have a great summer! 看看下面科利尔高年级学生的年终活动!


有了安全和培育的环境,学生才能茁壮成长! 而我们会想念从科利尔毕业的毕业生和学生, 我们迫不及待地想看看他们的下一章会有什么令人兴奋的事情. 祝你在麦克丹尼尔学院好运,杰玛!


 赌球平台推荐 celebrated another successful marking period filled with Honor Roll and Principal's List awards for our outstanding students! Congratulations on your academic achievements and a special thanks to Wegmans for the delicious breakfast!



 Congratulations to the Class of 2024 from 赌球平台推荐 and 科利尔中学! 🎓科利尔学校今年两校共有60多名毕业生. Your dedication and hard work have paid off, preparing you for the exciting journey ahead. 

尽管挑战, you've shown resilience and achieved remarkable growth inside and outside the classroom. Collier School is incredibly proud of each graduate and 8th grader for their commitment to achieving their goals. 


 Use the skills and lessons you've learned throughout your time here to fuel your journey to the top! 我们期待看到你在未来的努力中茁壮成长. 记住,无论你选择哪条路,都要用“Just Love”去做。. 



祝你在罗文好运,泰勒!  Remember, alumni are always welcome back—especially for a delicious Collier meal!


In preparation for Collier's new meditation garden in honor of former student Anastasia, the @raysofsunshine_bus 过来帮我们创造一个平和平静的体验. Students painted messages of peace on rocks that will line the garden to create a labyrinth. 在绘画时,他们听着治愈的声音,并使用感官支持. 谢谢你! @raysofsunshine_bus and Collier staff for creating such a beautiful wellness experience to kick off this project. 看看下面的视频,看看当天的情况. 


上周, 赌球平台推荐 proudly inducted 8 new members into the National English Honor Society! 这是一个美丽的仪式,他们接受了奖项和丝带. Special congratulations to our 3 seniors who received their graduation medals. It was heartwarming to see staff and students celebrating each other’s achievements. 祝贺大家!


Congratulations to the Collier Pacers for winning back-to-back championship games with a score of 11-1! 步行者有一个不可思议的赛季,展示了奉献精神和团队精神. 我们的学生和工作人员共同努力,以平衡学术和体育, 确保每个人都能在场上和课堂上发光发热. 做得好,步行者!




As our seniors prepare to take their next big steps, we're excited to see what the future holds! We're so grateful for our senior class and have cherished watching them grow and learn during their time at Collier. Join us in celebrating one of our seniors, Gabriella, as she embarks on her journey at Seton Hall! 祝你好运,加布里埃拉!


上周,赌球平台推荐的音乐节目大受欢迎! 🎤学生们用21场不可思议的表演展示了他们的才华!  A huge shoutout to our amazing music department staff and students for putting together such a fantastic show.  你们的辛勤工作确实散发出光芒,我们的学生震撼了舞台!



还有一周就要毕业了, we asked Collier School alumni to share their advice with current students and the Class of 2024.  We hope students will carry this wisdom beyond Collier and someday share your own! Here is what former students had to share on what they have learned since their time at Collier.



Congratulations to 赌球平台推荐 student Keith for winning the annual badminton tournament last week! 学生们参加了竞争性和非竞争性的比赛, 和前三名Keith一起, 猎人, 杰克拿着奖牌和礼品卡回家. Shoutout to all the amazing competitors for their hard work and sportsmanship!



 赌球平台推荐 held their annual Battle of the Classes last week and each grade brought their A-game! Students and staff alike had a great day spending the morning with Inflatables, 一个扣篮, 挑战活动, 旋转的艺术, 及嘉年华运动会. 这一天以投掷水球和接力赛结束. 一起庆祝学年结束的方式真是太棒了!


Congratulations to 赌球平台推荐 senior Jemma for receiving the ASAH Connections for Success scholarship! 这是继续你的教育和实现你的目标. 我们为你感到骄傲,杰玛,还有你对教育的承诺!